Trepharm is pharmaceutical manufacturer of generics and brand medical product located in Kosovo, South East Europe. Trepharm is built in accordance with full EU cGMP guide- lines. Current Good Manufacturing Practice of the European Union and other Quality Standards have been applied and implemented during design, construction and commissioning of this manufacturing site.

Mission & Vision
Our mission is to produce high quality affordable prices pharmaceutical products and manufacturing services for partners in the global market.

Building the trust in a company is a hard and long battle, but we tend to prove that even a local company can be as successful, safe and trustful as much as the leaders in pharmaceutical field, to whom we are used to trust, are.

Operations are performed in areas specifically designed and with proper size. Separate areas and control systems have been implemented for processing in order to prevent contamination or mixing during operations flow.

TrePharm is led and managed by a group of visionary professionals committed to contribute to the pharmaceutical landscape locally and globally through innovating, designing and producing pharmaceutical products that serve needs of patients and communities.
Our latest News

Trepharm Now Operational In Albania
Pharmaceutical manufacturer TrePharm with high European standards in this period of the expanding, has now representative office in Albania.
MoreGood Pharmacy Practice (GPP – Training)
Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP – Training)
MoreWith Trepharm – Kosova Is Healthier And Wealthier
Trepharm is a Kosovar investment in pharmaceutical production with a concept based on EU Current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) standards

Trepharm Strongly Enters the Asian Market
Trepharm, a pharmaceutical company in Kosovo, has started these days the series of exports to Asian countries for 2017.
MoreMedicines Of European Quality
Trepharm also has a modern laboratory which, in addition to serving its needs, can be used for various measurements by the Ministry of Health of Kosovo
More“Trepharm” Trains For The USA
Robin Clune, head of general services at the American Embassy in Kosovo, expressed her heartfelt thanks to the staff of Trepharm

International Pharmaceutical Congress
A special thanks to Dr. Seid E. Abidi from the pharmaceutical company PII in the USA
MoreTrepharm’s Continuous Cooperation With The OFK
In the framework of the continuous cooperation with OFK, we had the honor to host the presidency of OFK
MoreTrepharm Meets Mr. Martin Vickers
Trepharm is pleased to announce the visit of Right Honourable Mr. Martin Vickers.

TrePharm donated pharmaceutical products to Ukraine
We are pleased to support Ukraine due to these war days they are going through.
MoreThe Minister Of Health, Mr. Latifi Visited Trepharm
Minister of Health, Dr. Rifat Latifi, visited the factory for the production of medicinal products in Kosovo, Trepharm
More6th Congress Of The Association Af Cardiologists Of Kosovo
TREPHARM Sponsor in the congress of cardiologists organized by the Association of Cardiologists of Kosovo, which took place on May 20 & 21.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.