
“Trepharm” trains for the USA

The American Embassy in Kosovo has believed that 17 people from its technical staff can be trained and trained in the areas of managing complex facility systems, such as the BMS, only in the pharmaceutical manufacturer “Trepharm” in Slatina, which is part of the “Trade” group.

This has its own reason, since it is a production complex, where the last word of technology has been applied, but where the team of experts is also at a high professional level. This fact also influenced the selection of the US Embassy.

The end of this training was marked with an occasion ceremony, where certificates were distributed to the 17 candidates who successfully completed this cycle of their professional training. Among the workers of this enterprise, as well as other attendees, was the American ambassador in Kosovo, Mrs. Tracey Jacobson.

At the opening of this ceremony, the executive director of the enterprise, Mergim Prishtina, spoke about the importance of this training, as well as the honor that the US Embassy has given them on the occasion of the selection of the enterprise and the people who will engage in the implementation of this work with responsibility.

“It was a pleasure for us, that we had the opportunity to do this training for the staff of the American Embassy in Kosovo, and at the same time we can see the very high level of our experts, as well as the latest technology, which has been applied in the ‘Trepharm’ factory “, said Mergim Prishtina.

Meanwhile, the owner of the “Tregtia” group, Bedri Prishtina, after thanking the ambassador and the general dedication of this embassy for prosperity in Kosovo, thanked the USA for the commitment they have had for the developments in Kosovo and in general in all the countries where Albanians live.

“Not only us, but all Albanians, are grateful to the USA, since without their help we would not be at the level we are now. You helped us in the most serious and critical situations that we have had, but now you are investing in your efforts to promote economic development and democracy in Kosovo. For all this, we thank you, and at the same time we promise you that we will always be committed to deepening friendship, but also to establishing a sincere and useful cooperation for both countries”, stressed Bedri Prishtina.

Robin Clune, head of general services at the American Embassy in Kosovo, expressed her heartfelt thanks to the staff of Trepharm, for their dedication and the very professional work shown during this training.

Ambassador Trecey Jacobson, in addition to the sincere thanks for the great work done by the staff of the “Trepharm” company, also spoke about the economic and political current situation in which Kosovo is, as well as about the commitment that the USA has towards it.

“I am deeply happy for a big and very important work that was successfully completed thanks to you and the experts of this company. This is a good example of the achievements being made in Kosovo. I am happy that this development is best witnessed by the private sector, which is the foundation stone and supporting pillar for every economy”, said the ambassador at the beginning.

She showed the pleasure of being present at the closing ceremony of the training, which was successful thanks to the dedication shown by the Pristina family.

“I am encouraged by the fact that this training was done in a Kosovar company, where a high professional level and serious commitment of the Prishtina family to the work they do has been witnessed”, added the ambassador.

Ms. Tracey Jacobson is optimistic that the future of Kosovo, especially in the economic field, will be much brighter. It has potential, human resources, but also support to easily overcome the problems that may appear on the way to development.

“I hope that after 2-3 years the situation will be completely different. These young people are dedicated, but also skilled for a faster, sustainable and visionary walk of this country. Therefore, this preparation and this commitment are the greatest hope for Kosovo”, Ambassador Jacobson concluded.

After the ceremony, the ambassador and other staff of the American Embassy in the Republic of Kosovo stopped at a cocktail party, where they had a free conversation with the owners, as well as with other workers of this enterprise. On this occasion, she was interested in the achievements of not only the “Trepharm” company, but also the entire “Tregtia” group, as well as their goals in the future.

Then she visited the production departments, in which case she did not hide her satisfaction for the technological level of this enterprise, but also for the fact that it was here that the staff was trained, who will apply these achievements in their daily work. at the American Embassy in Kosovo.